Yesterday I went window and display inspiration shopping in Union Square. Well, mostly I just went to Gumps because I'm hoping to nab an internship doing windows for a home store and wanted to get some ideas for high-end, glitzy, and creative Gumps.

That's a rug hanging for a backdrop - grabs a bit more attention vertically that just get walked all over everyday

Those are ceramic coy fish swimming in river rocks

Wood painted white - nice effect, for sure, but I really hope there was more involved than just painting the wood for a price tag like $1,000 a twig

Macy's Swimwear windows - sorry about the glare

Macy's Perfume windows - Women's : plexi boxes with appliqued tissue paper - cool idea

Macy's Perfume windows - Men's : plexi boxes filled with crumpled brown paper - love the juxtaposition of textures

Another display window with an interesting branch prop and circular decals adds depth

There's nothing like a walk in the city to get inspired
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