Ah, it's nice to finally have some time to configure my studio to my liking. It's been a long slow process but one I've thoroughly enjoyed so far. I'm finally starting to get some art on the walls, make some projects, and clean up the space enough to be presentable!
Below is my latest project, an oversized frame corkboard made from a salvaged Gap frame - repainted, leftover thin cork from my Tiffany display mock up, and foam core for extra thickness to allow for push pins. Right now it's pretty much the focal point of the studio and serves as an inspiration board. Finally framed! I received this beautiful Alena Hennessy print as a graduation present and have finally found a proper place for it! Check out more from Alena at her Etsy Store.
Another framed piece. I don't know where I found this image but I blew it up and painted the gray highlighted area my signature turquoise for a pop of interest. It's also the wallpaper on my iphone!
My studio! Relatively clean and finally feeling a bit more me. I've still got a lot to do - add more art, make a drumshade for my blarring bare bulb, recover pillows, improve window treatments, and clean up my bombshell of a desk (shown reluctantly only due to it's reflection in my closet mirrors.) I love this space though - it's all mine and I feel so inspired here. It's my favorite place to create - hands down.
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